2. French people give a shit about shoes. For example, I was told in no uncertain terms that no French person would take me seriously if I were wearing flip-flops. Maybe all the flipping and flopping offends their noble French sensibilities. On Paris streets, you never see anything but heels or expensive looking sandals on women, and polished business shoes, or cool looking skater shoes on dudes. I've also seen some vintage high-tops on both genders, which are all the rage, according to a magazine I read in the airport. Being the sort of jackass that wears flip-flops, I wouldn't have known.
3. French people give a shit about what you're wearing in general. Specifically women. Apparently, it's less important if your clothes are somewhat out of style, or don't match, because that can be considered trendy in the right crowds, but may the French gods of fashion strike you dead if you wear clothes that are ill-fitting. If you're fat and you wear a tight shirt, expect death stares from women of all ages. If you're skinny and you wear something obviously too large for you, expect pitying glances from girls who then shake their heads and sigh, as if they are thinking, "Poor girl, if only she could dress well. Her life could actually mean something." The men don't seem to care what you're wearing as long as they can see your boobs or you don't have an entirely hideous face. Men are more forgiving in this respect all over the world, I would guess.
4. French people give a shit about music. Almost everyone I pass on the street has headphones on. There is music coming from every other window in the Latin Quarter, and posters for bands on every street corner. During lunch time, I passed a bar with dim lights and live jazz, even though it was the middle of the day. I guess some French people can't even wait until evening to lose themselves with a drink and some smooth tunes.

6. French people give a shit about flowers. There are gardens around every corner, and flower boxes in most windows. My favorite are the giant hot pink roses.
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