
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hot For Teacher

I just found out one of the writers teaching my class is Rolf Potts. He's basically a phenomenal travel writer, who also happens to be kind of hot. See for yourself. I'm excited.

"He's been drugged and robbed in Istanbul, checked out brothels in Cambodia where prostitutes are identified by numbers, and shopped for donkeys in the Libyan Desert. Rolf Potts usually has an interesting answer to the mundane question, 'So, what did you do today?'"
—San Francisco Examiner

"It's [a] turn-on-a-dime ability to mix gonzo adventure with nuanced rumination — often in the same story — that make Potts stand out in the world of travel writing. He seems like the ideal drinking companion, full of verve, incredible tales and unexpected insights."
—Minneapolis Star-Tribune

"Jack Kerouac for the Internet Age" 
—USA Today


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