Today I saw two ladies at a cafe. One of the ladies had a fat pug dog in her lap. She was holding him so he looked like a child sitting straight up. He had an obvious little boner, and the ladies were laughing at him. He looked embarrassed. The lady who wasn't holding him reached out and poked his penis with her fingernail. He tried to bite her hand. I wish he would've gotten her.
Today in the news, there was a story about a 14 year old boy who drowned in the River Seine last night. He was having an argument with his friends about a video game. They had it and wouldn't give it back to him. They told him the only way he could get it back was if he jumped into the river. The boy couldn't swim. He refused to do it, until one of his friends promised that if the boy started struggling in the water, he would jump in and help. So, the boy jumped in. They found his body this morning on the banks. His friends saw him go under, but none of them were brave enough to go in after him. One of them ran for help, and the rest of them stood there and watched him drown. I wonder how that boy who promised he would jump in after him feels today. There is a story by Albert Camus about a man who is crossing a bridge and sees a woman about to jump off. He could stop her, but he doesn't. He finds out later that she drowned. The fact that he could've saved her that night and didn't haunts him for the rest of his life. When he's an older man, he goes back to the same spot and he says, "Oh, young woman, if only you could jump in the river again, so I might save us both." I wonder if this boy will turn into that old man. I think so.
Today I learned that plastic surgery began in World War 1. A lot of people picture WW1 as soldiers running from trench to trench stabbing each other with bayonets, but the reality was that most of the fighting was done with artillery. When the artillery would hit the men, it would literally tear their bodies to pieces. In the hospitals, the doctors had to learn how to build faces again from the lumps of burned flesh and bone. So many soldiers lost their eyes that the German government started a radio program just for them. That was why radio dramas were invented, so blind men could see again.
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